The Game Changer Event
for the Grain Industry

Dear Friends “Save the Date” GrainCom24 will be during the same week as year 2023


May 14 – 16 | 2024

  • President Wilson Hotel - GENEVA

Let's meet again in








The Game Changer Event for the Grain Industry

Our aim is to bring to the grain conference a wide range of topics, some within the industry but also to look at those outside the industry that over the next few years will be major influencers within Agri-Business.

The GrainCom Events team would like to thank all those who attended GrainCOM21, 22 and 23 as speakers, sponsors, delegates and friends for the enormous support you gave us both with encouragement and financial.

It was much appreciated, we hope we reached your expectations and even more we look forward to seeing you at the next GrainCom Event, the week next year May 14/16, 2024, at the President Wilson Hotel in Geneva.

Days Conference




Days Conference




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Sponsorship opportunities

The organizers have put into place some very attractive Sponsorship Agreements that will accommodate any individual or company that would like to participate at the GrainCom23 Event the week next year May 13/17, 2024 at President Wilson Hotel, Geneva. The Packages will allow them to fully promote their company and its services to their best advantage.

Paul Harrison

Vice President – Agri Commodities

Marco Orioli


Gregg Doud

President and CEO
National Milk Producers Federation

Indrek Aigro

Head of Grains
Copenhagen Merchants

GrainCom Event is Informative, Free Thinking and Money Valuable

GrainCom Events SA was created in March 2020 and domiciled in Geneva, Switzerland. A group of well-known Agricultural Industry experts, following the request from many within the industry, has created GrainCom Events SA with the main purpose to produce a new global grain and oilseed Conference in Geneva.

James Dunsterville


Gert-Jan van Noortwijk


Dan Basse


James Dunsterville created in 2002 Global Commodities Group which produced the first Global Grain event in Geneva and sold the company in 2012.
James is presently the owner of AgriNews SA, an agricultural consulting company, founder of AgFlow SA, a leading provider of trade intelligence for the global agriculture markets and is the Executive Director for GrainCom Events SA.


Gert-Jan van Noortwijk started his career as a grain trader, founded a grain brokerage firm in 1992 which became AgriBrokers International.
He was a council member of the Grain and Feed Trade Association (GAFTA) for many years and acted as the President of GAFTA in 2017.

Dan Basse who founded and is President of AgResource Company, Chicago, providing accurate research, advisory and understanding of the global agricultural markets.
Dan is also a well-known and respected presenter at many grain and oilseed conferences around the world and is on the Board and an advisor to many international agricultural industry companies.

Additionally, the GrainCom Events founders are supported by a panel of advisers and you will be hearing more from them over the coming weeks.