Be a leading participant next May at GrainCom 2025
Sponsorship and Registration Agreements
GrainCom25 Event, 13 – 15 May 2025 at President Wilson Hotel, Geneva
Sponsorship Agreements for the event is open and the organizers remain committed to holding the event unless through circumstances beyond their control the event is not able to take place.
In the unlikely case that the event does not proceed, the organizers confirm that those individuals or companies who prior to the postponement of the event have signed up for Sponsorship Agreements will have the option to either request reimbursement of any payments made or agree to have their payment held as a deposit for the future event and different Sponsorship Agreement, but at any time can request the payment to be reimbursed. This provision will be included on any Sponsorship Agreement Contract.
The organizers have put into place some very attractive Sponsorship Agreements that will accommodate any individual or company that would like to participate at the GrainCom25 Event 13 – 15 May 2025 at President Wilson Hotel, Geneva. The Packages will allow them to fully promote their company and its services to their best advantage.
General Sponsorship Opportunities
Contact James Dunsterville
Premium Sponsor

Highest tier – Premium Conference Sponsor (Limited on industry sector)
- Name and logo on ALL documentation stating Conference Premium Quality Sponsor
- On all banners at the event
- On all communication systems (website, mobile event apps.)
- Live link from GrainCom website to Premium Sponsor website
- In any printed material
- Opportunity to give presentation or be part of a panel subject to GrainCom approval
- 7 Delegate Conference Registrations. Additional delegate registrations to the conference for a member of their staff will be at CHF 700 plus TVA if applicable
- The Premium Sponsor will be allowed to offer Delegate Conference Registrations to their guests to the whole GrainCom25 event: delegate fee payable by the Premium Sponsor at CHF 700.00 plus TVA if applicable per delegate
- The Premium Sponsor will be provided, if it is requested, with a promotion code that they can offer to their clients and friends which will activate a 10pct discount to the delegate fee for those independently registering to the whole conference
- Double size – Exhibition stand – In a Premium Location
CHF 22’000 (plus TVA if applicable)
FAQ Sponsor

Second tier – FAQ Conference Sponsor
- Name and logo on ALL documentation stating Conference FAQ Sponsor
- On all banners at the event
- On all communication systems (website, mobile event apps.)
- Live link from GrainCom website to FAQ Sponsor website
- In any printed material
- 4 Delegate Conference Registrations. Additional delegate registrations to the conference for a member of their staff will be at CHF 700 plus TVA if applicable
- The FAQ Sponsor will be allowed to offer Delegate Conference Registrations to their guests to the whole GrainCom25 event: delegate fee payable by the FAQ Sponsor at CHF 700.00 plus TVA if applicable per delegate
- The FAQ Sponsor will be provided, if it is requested, with a promotion code that they can offer to their clients and friends which will activate a 10pct discount to the delegate fee for those independently registering to the whole conference
- Double size – Exhibition stand – In a Premium Location
CHF 12’000 (plus TVA if applicable)
Other Sponsorship opportunities also include part or exclusive deals for:
- The Brokerage Company Evening on Tuesday 13th May, 2025
- The Gala Evening on Wednesday 14th May, 2025
- The Lunch on Wednesday 14th May, 2025
- The Lunch on Thursday 15th May, 2025
- Refreshments: Afternoon tea/coffee break on Tuesday 13th May, Morning and Afternoon tea/coffee breaks
on Wednesday 14th May and Morning tea/coffee break Thursday 15th May, 2025 - Exhibition Stand during the whole event
- Tuk Tuk during the whole event
Co-Sponsorship of Brokerage Company evening cocktail, Tuesday May 13th, 2025
Co-sponsorship terms:
The organizers have arranged two packages for the Brokerage Companies Co-sponsorship.
Evening Cocktail
Package 1

Co-Sponsoring of Brokerage Company evening cocktail, Tuesday May 13th, 2025
- The Brokerage Company will be allowed 6 delegate passes for company employees to the whole GrainCom25 event. Additional delegate registration to the conference for a member of their staff will be at CHF 700 plus TVA if applicable.
- The Brokerage Company Co-Sponsor will be allowed to offer Delegate Conference Registrations to their guests to the whole GrainCom25 event: delegate fee payable by the Brokerage Company Co-Sponsor at CHF 700.00 plus TVA if applicable per delegate
- The Brokerage Company will be allowed to invite guests to the evening event only: entrance fee payable by the co-sponsor at CHF 125.00 plus TVA if applicable per guest
- The Brokerage Company Co-Sponsor will be provided, if it is requested, with a promotion code that they can offer to their clients and friends which will activate a 10pct discount to the delegate fee for those independently registering to the whole conference.
- Name and logo on ALL documentation stating Conference Brokerage Company Co-Sponsor
- On all banners at the event
- On all communication systems (website, mobile event apps.)
- Live link from GrainCom website to Brokerage Company Co-Sponsor website
- In any printed material
An allocated space: Within the hotel conference area for GrainCom the “Glow” area on the ground floor will be dedicated to the Brokerage Companies “package one” Co-Sponsors. There will be a maximum 4 Brokerage Company “package one” Co-Sponsors. The “glow” area will have fixed separated areas for each Brokerage Company and there will be an identification company name banner. The “glow” area will also be open for networking and have one cash bar available. Each individual Brokerage Company area will be large enough for comfortable seating for small group.
The Brokerage Companies “package one” Co-Sponsors must accept that for the Brokerage Company Cocktail Evening event on May 13th and the Gala Evening event on May 14th, 2025 their “Glow” area will be included as part of the area for the evening events meaning the partitions separating Brokers area will be removed at the time of the hotel preparing the evening events and any personal items will need to be removed. There will be space made available for all personal items plus the GrainCom staff will assist both with moving the items prior the evening events hotel set up and returning the items for the start of the following days, Wednesday May 14th and Thursday May 15th, 2025.
Beverages and Food: The Brokerage Companies “package one” Co-Sponsors can provide their own beverages and food but only subject to their agreement with the President Wilson Hotel who may charge fees or they can have beverages and food provided by the President Wilson Hotel. For either the Brokerage Company must contact the hotel directly: Jeanne Winckler, Event Manager, T +41 (0) 22 906 6204, [email protected]
Individual Co-Sponsorship price
CHF 10,000 (plus TVA if applicable)
Evening Cocktail
Package 2

Co-Sponsoring of Brokerage Company evening cocktail, Tuesday May 13th, 2025
- The Brokerage Company will be allowed free access for 2 company employees to the evening event
- The Brokerage Company will be allowed to invite guests to the evening event only: entrance fee payable by the co-sponsor at CHF 125.00 plus TVA if applicable per guest
- The Brokerage Company will be allowed 2 delegate passes for company employees to the whole GrainCom25 event. Additional delegate registration to the conference for a member of their staff will be at CHF 700 plus TVA if applicable.
- The Brokerage Company Co-Sponsor will be allowed to offer Delegate Conference Registrations to their guests to the whole GrainCom25 event: delegate fee payable by the Brokerage Company Co-Sponsor at CHF 700.00 plus TVA if applicable per delegate
- The Brokerage Company Co-Sponsor will be provided, if it is requested, with a promotion code that they can offer to their clients and friends which will activate a 10pct discount to the delegate fee for those independently registering to the whole conference.
- Name and logo on ALL documentation stating Conference Brokerage Company Co-Sponsor
- On all banners at the event
- On all communication systems (website, mobile event apps.)
- Live link from GrainCom website to Brokerage Company Co-Sponsor website
- In any printed material
Individual Co-Sponsorship price
CHF 6,000 plus TVA if applicable
The Gala Evening
The Gala Evening

The Gala Evening, on Wednesday 14th May, 2025
Gala Evening Co-Sponsor: (Limited on industry sector)
- The Gala Evening Co-Sponsor will be allowed free access for 6 company employees to the Gala Evening event
- The Gala Evening Co-Sponsor will be allowed to invite guests to the evening event only: entrance fee payable by the co-sponsor at CHF 150.00 plus TVA if applicable per guest
- The Gala Evening Co-Sponsor will be allowed 4 delegate passes for company employees to the whole GrainCom25 event. Additional delegate registration to the conference for a member of their staff will be at CHF 700 plus TVA if applicable.
- The Gala Evening Co-Sponsor will be allowed to offer Delegate Conference Registrations to their guests to the whole GrainCom25 event: delegate fee payable by the Gala Evening Co-Sponsor at CHF 700.00 plus TVA if applicable per delegate
- The Gala Evening Co-Sponsor will be provided, if it is requested, with a promotion code that they can offer to their clients and friends which will activate a 10pct discount to the delegate fee for those independently registering to the whole conference.
- The Gala Evening Co-Sponsor, if requested, may be allocated an Exhibition Stand
- Name and logo on ALL documentation stating Conference Gala Evening Co-Sponsor
- On all banners at the event
- On all communication systems (website, mobile event apps.)
- Live link from GrainCom website to Brokerage Company Co-Sponsor website
- In any printed material
Individual Co-Sponsorship price
CHF 12,000 plus TVA if applicable
The Lunch
Lunch – Wednesday

The Lunch, on Wednesday 14th May, 2025
Lunch Co-Sponsor: (Limited on industry sector)
- Name and logo on ALL documentation stating Conference Lunch Sponsor
- On all banners at the event
- On all communication systems (website, mobile event apps.)
- Live link from GrainCom website to Brokerage Company Co-Sponsor website
- In any printed material
- 3 Delegate registrations. Additional delegate registration to the conference for a member of their staff will be at CHF 700 plus TVA if applicable.
- The Lunch Co-Sponsor will be allowed to offer Delegate Conference Registrations to their guests to the whole GrainCom25 event: delegate fee payable by the Lunch Co-Sponsor at CHF 700.00 plus TVA
if applicable per delegate
Individual Co-Sponsorship price
CHF 5,000 plus TVA if applicable
Lunch – Thursday

The Lunch, on Thursday 15th May, 2025
Lunch Co-Sponsor: (Limited on industry sector)
- Name and logo on ALL documentation stating Conference Lunch Sponsor
- On all banners at the event
- On all communication systems (website, mobile event apps.)
- Live link from GrainCom website to Brokerage Company Co-Sponsor website
- In any printed material
- 3 Delegate registrations. Additional delegate registration to the conference for a member of their staff will be at CHF 700 plus TVA if applicable.
- The Lunch Co-Sponsor will be allowed to offer Delegate Conference Registrations to their guests to the whole GrainCom25 event: delegate fee payable by the Lunch Co-Sponsor at CHF 700.00 plus TVA if applicable per delegate
Individual Co-Sponsorship price
CHF 5,000 plus TVA if applicable

Afternoon tea/coffee break on Tuesday 13th May, Morning and Afternoon tea/coffee breaks on Wednesday 14th May and Morning tea/coffee break Thursday 15th May, 2025
Refreshments Co-Sponsor: (Limited on industry sector)
- Name and logo on ALL documentation stating Conference Gala Sponsor
- On all banners at the event
- On all communication systems (website, mobile event apps.)
- Live link from GrainCom website to Brokerage Company Co-Sponsor website
- In any printed materials
- 3 Delegate registrations. Additional delegate registration to the conference for a member of their staff will be at CHF 700 plus TVA if applicable
- The Refreshment Co-Sponsor will be allowed to offer Delegate Conference Registrations to their guests to the whole GrainCom25 event: delegate fee payable by the Refreshment Co-Sponsor at CHF 700.00 plus TVA if applicable per delegate
Individual Co-Sponsorship price
CHF 7,000 plus TVA if applicable

Exhibitor package, full conference May 13-15, 2025
An exhibition stand in the exhibition area. The space allocated will be agreed at time of confirmation based on availability.
The exhibition stand will be 3m x 2m with display boards. Equipment included will be one table, two chairs, lighting and an electricity supply.
- Name and logo on ALL documentation stating Conference Exhibitor
- On all banners at the event
- On all communication systems (website, mobile event apps.)
- Live link from GrainCom website to Exhibitor website
- In any printed material
- 2 Delegate registrations. Additional delegate registration to the conference for a member of their staff will be at CHF 700 plus TVA if applicable
- The Exhibitor will be provided, if it is requested, with a promotion code that they can offer to their clients and friends which will activate a 10pct discount to the delegate fee for those independently registering to the whole conference.
Individual Exhibition price
CHF 7,500 plus TVA if applicable
Tuk Tuk
Tuk Tuk
The Tuk Tuk Coffee Station
The Tuk Tuk coffee station will be located outdoors adjacent to the Glow Bar area on the ground floor of the hotel.
This area is well suited for networking and as outside can be a “smoking area”. Against any poor weather rain there will be a covered area of 6 x 6 sqm.
The coffee station will be operated:
- Tuesday, May 13 between 14.00 and 18.00 hrs
- Wednesday, May 14 between 9.00 and 18.00 hrs
- Thursday May 15 between 9.00 and 14.00 hrs
Various types of coffee plus chocolate and teas will be available.
The sponsor logo or “message” can be seen on each cup if and when feasible.
- The Tuk Tuk coffee station will have three branded boards with the name and/or logo of the Sponsor
- The Tuk Tuk coffee station Sponsor will be allowed 4 delegate passes for company employees to the whole GrainCom25 event. Additional delegate registration to the conference for a member of their staff will be at CHF 700 plus TVA if applicable.
- The Tuk Tuk coffee station Sponsor will be allowed to offer Delegate Conference Registrations to their guests to the whole GrainCom25 event: delegate fee payable by the Tuk Tuk coffee station Sponsor at CHF 700.00 plus TVA if applicable per delegate
- The Tuk Tuk coffee station Sponsor will be provided, if it is requested, with a promotion code that they can offer to their clients and friends which will activate a 10pct discount to the delegate fee for those independently registering to the whole conference.
- Name and logo on ALL documentation stating Conference Tuk Tuk coffee station Sponsor
- On all banners at the event
- On all communication systems (website, mobile event apps.)
- Live link from GrainCom website to The Tuk Tuk coffee station Sponsor website
- On any printed material
Sponsorship price
CHF 7,000 plus TVA if applicable
GrainCom Lanyards

Sponsor is responsible to provide the lanyard based on the specifications required by the GrainCom25 organizers
- Name and logo on ALL documentation stating Conference Lanyard Sponsor
- On all banners at the event
- On all communication systems (website, mobile event apps.)
- Live link from GrainCom website to Brokerage Company Co-Sponsor website
- In any printed material
- 2 Delegate registrations. Additional delegate registration to the conference for a member of their staff will be at CHF 700 plus TVA if applicable
- Opportunity to invite guests with discount
Individual Co-Sponsorship price
For the guidance of those who wish to sponsor the GrainCOM25 event Delegation Registation will be as follows. The organisers will have the right to increase the Delegate fees at any time.
Registration fees (includes full event, excludes TVA):
Early Bird (ends March 31, 2025) |
Full Rate | |
One delegate | CHF 875 | CHF 975 |
Two delegates, each | CHF 800 | CHF 875 |
Three delegates, each | CHF 750 | CHF 800 |
Four or more delegates, each | CHF 700 | CHF 750 |
Company private event during conference May 13-15, 2025

Company private event during conference
Within the conference area there are individual rooms available for companies to hold private meetings. Two rooms can accommodate 70 people each based theatre style or 45 school style. The two rooms can be made into one room if required. Another room, board room style, can accommodate about 15 people. Bottled water would be provided but for additional refreshments the cost would be arranged on request. There can be provided IT equipment.
Individual requirements by request.